Julia’s healing offerings come from years of training in various therapeutic and healing modalities, deep spiritual practice, 100s of 1:1 sessions and continous study within the field of quantum physics and spirituality.

In her 1: 1 sessions she uses a unique blend of therapeutic methods tailored to resolve your emotional and mental challenges. In her work with the Ancient Rose she shares teachings and vibrational information through energy transmissions and immersion groups. Julia has a deep commitment to serving the awakening and rememberance of the the Ancient Rose within our collective consciousness.


Julia has been a therapist, healer, workshop facilitator and meditation teacher for over 25 years. She offers 1:1 sessions and transformational group experiences. She is a freelance consultant to organic skincare and essential oil companies and manager of retreat centres.


Dip. Psychologist, Adv. Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/ Teacher, Adv. Theta DNA Practitioner/ Teacher, Sound Healer and Magnified Healing Practitioner/ Teacher. EFT trained, Trauma informed practitioner, Occupational Therapist.


  • Co- Funder of Lumiar UK, an independent primary school In Wiltshire, using a project based learning approach.

  • Founder and Director of Kinder Kitchen C.I.C. , connecting young people to nature through creative cooking experiences. www.kinder-kitchen.com

  • Freelance in my partners beautiful organic farm, product development, vibrational plant communication . www.trenowfields.co.uk

  • Freelance consultancy work for natural health companies.

Personal story:

I am a passionate mum to a gorgeous teenager, Noah. I live in Bristol in the UK with my son, partner, stepdaughter, 1 cat and 2 dogs. I have been a therapist and healer since my twenties. Moving from Germany to London in 2000 allowed me to freely explore dozens of healing modalities alongside studying Psychology. I also spent a lot of time travelling and working in Africa and Asia before starting my clinic in London as a Therapist & Healer. I worked with 100s of clients 1:1 and on groups, held retreats and workshops, taught various healing modalities such as Theta Healing, Reiki, Magnified Healing and held weekly meditation classes. Until today, many of the beautiful souls I met during this time are still pillars of light to me. Becoming a mum brought many changes. I moved to Somerset, where I became very ill. An aggresive form of Rheumatoid Arthritis made it impossible for me to walk, cook or even lift up my boy at times. To cut a long story short, it took me about 3 years to heal enough so I could walk again. It was an intense and deep healing journey. I visited the darkest shadows of my soul and brought back more light than I could have imagined. My life still requires a lot of self- care and constant adjustment to change, which comes with many challenges but really and truly is one of the biggest gifts. Once I was back in a place of wellbeing, I collaborated with friends and we opened and independent, project based primary school whilst also working as a Wellness Manager for a local Retreat Centre and Health Club and organised Wellbeing Spaces for companies and festivals. I left employment during lockdown and started a C.I.C. company called Kinder- Kitchen, where we connect children to nature using creative cooking experiences. Over the last 2 years, the Rose has been gracefully weaving her magic deeply into my life, for which I am eternally grateful. She has guided me back to working with so many beautiful souls for which is a blessing beyond words. It is through my own comitment to practicing Her presence within me that my work is becoming softer and stronger, gentler and more focused. She paves the way and welcomes us with Her Love.

From my heart to yours.

So much Love.

Julia Rose